CmaxInsight provides end to end, multi-platform digital solutions for global biopharma. We combine creative content, cutting edge technology and biopharma to know-how to enliven your digital strategies and ability to engage stakeholders, from healthcare professionals (HCPs) to patients.
Gather all the information of digital activities directed towards patients and/or HCPs, including branded websites, unbranded disease awareness initiatives, campaigns, social media and mobile apps to understand the digital presence and their strategy
Compare positioning and promotional messaging of your brand vis-à-vis your competitors in various geographies to provide actionable recommendations. Understand what was approved in their labels and how competitors have leveraged this in the messaging statements.
Analysis and meaningful insights on Digital Multi-Channel marketing initiatives to track and compare key competitor activity across channels and identify key trends across the therapy area
Analyze social conversations to understand what stakeholders such as patients, caregivers or physicians have been saying about a particular brand, treatment and disease state. Data collected from the various on-line platforms to gather pertinent information and deliver insights which can potentially facilitate the effective management of a brand, treatment and disease state.
Identify individuals who are influential on social media and have demonstrated credible reach, relevance and resonance. Maximize communications strategies by identifying the people who matter most. Identify potential brand advocates, detractors and key patient bloggers whom you may want to engage or monitor.