CmaxInsight’s Innovative R&D Approach integrates meaningful insights from real-world and clinical data to help you chart a more predictable and efficient path to product approval and beyond.
Leverage data to gain insight into protocol and trial design, as well as the market and competitive dynamics that could affect trials.
Support the client in developing "What would be the best CT strategy to achieve drug approval" in a therapy area
Systematically collect, validate, and report on publication of research results.
Instantly compare health outcomes of two or more competing drugs of your choice based on systematically-reviewed clinical evidence.
Early drug safety trend and adverse event signal detection
Improved drug safety and operational effectiveness
Proactive unstructured data mining
Quickly find relevant patent from secondary search with global, accurate and precisely-indexed patent data to keep
watch on generics entry / new MOA/ molecule
Patent documents are converted into a standard format, the bibliographic details are validated, and identified errors corrected.
Improve success rates in picking the right targets, gain greater insight into disease understanding, and better leverage the vast amount of data to accelerate your scientific discovery.
Manage your data and get testable hypotheses for disease mechanisms and subtypes, patient subpopulations, drug targets, biomarkers, treatment effect, and drug repositioning candidates through bioinformatics analysis and data & knowledge management.